1. Consultancy on Project planning

2. Consultancy on Project Execution

4. Medical Assistance

5. Service at Management level at client farm

6. Commercial Aspects for 30 Goats farming for the period of Two years (All the Expenditures are at higher level and incomes are lower level)


Capital (infrastructure) 2,00,000/-
30 Aimals 6,00,000/-
Food and Medicine
(30animalsX30Rs/day*365days*2) 6,57,000/-
Kids Expenditure
(84 kids X 180 days X 25 rs/day) 3,78,000/-
Capital interest (12.5%) 1,00,000/-
Total 19,35,500/-


From Kids(80kidsX40kiloX400Rs/kilo) 12,80,000/-
(90 DaysX3KiddingX0.5Ltr/day
X100Rs/ltrX28 animals) 3,78,000/-
Manure (1KgX365DX30ParentX5Rs) 54,750/-
Manure (1KgX120DX80KidsX5Rs) 48,000/-
Total 17,60,750/-


PROFIT  = Total Income - Food and medicine - Kids Expenditure - Capital interest
PROFIT  =  17,60,750 - 6,57,000 - 3,78,000 - 1,00,000
PROFIT  =   6,25,750/-
This profit 6,25,750/- is for the duration of two years. i.e.,
Per Year 3,12,875/- and Per Month profit is 26,073/-

Note : One acre of land is required for 25-30 animals farming


Yashodavana Goat Farm,Yedahalli, Nanjungud Taluk Mysore District, Karnataka, India. +91.9620590777 - yashodavana@gmail.com

Yashodavan Goat Farm